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Since 2010 the Shitbox Rally has pitted teams driving cars that cost less than $1000 against each other over some of Australia’s roughest roads. The Rally raises money for Cancer Research. This year’s rally is from Adelaide to Fremantle via those great romantic Australian villages Coober Pedy, Uluru, Laverton and Kalgoorlie , stopping every now and then at the grand mansions of Oz like the Warakurna and Tjukayirla roadhouses.

James Freeman started the rally in 2010 after nursing his parents through the last stages of cancer.

We are part sponsors of Dan and Ben Wallace who will be trying to make a 1988 Subaru go the distance and they’re aiming to raise over $10000 in donations. Just over a year ago their Dad Stu died after a 2 year battle with Cancer. They’re taking part in the rally in an effort to give back, after the fantastic support that they received from medical staff, friends and family. Stu gave them their love of surfing so they’re travelling as Team Wallace Grommets (those of you who don’t surf, a grommet is a kid who surfs!). Please help them reach their goal and raise some funds for this great cause. Go

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