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In the most important event since Moses opened a freeway through the Red Sea, Alex Bradley and Brandon Dick navigated their Toyota 1995 V6 Toyota Camry from Adelaide through Uluru to Fremantle to take line honours in the 2013 Shitbox Rally.

Many of you will remember the 1995 Toyota Camry rolling off the production lines at Altona and being immediately rebadged as a Holden Apollo. The V6 has held it’s value well with some very optimistic owners asking up to $3,500 for the 18 year old classic. Deduct a couple of grand if you bought the Apollo.

Alex and Brandon from Henley, NSW, raced as the subtly named Dusty Seamen team raising over $4,000 for cancer research. In better news, two of the three Alfa Romeos died along the way. Can all Italian and European car lovers take back their nasty emails now? I’m looking at you at Stuart Thomson.

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