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Bonjour readers.
Yes it’s hullo from Paris where we are reporting on Retromobile 2014 that was so bon (good in French) it was fantastique (fantastic in French). What’s not to like about 41,000 square metres covered in 500 cars, three tanks, two auctions, Brigitte Bardot’s Roller and Steve McQueen’s Packard?

Naturally all we have been eating are baguettes helped along by $25 bottles of Roc Cotes De Castillon Bordeaux 2008. Of course there was a big ham and cheese shop in the pavilion but I usually stop by Boulangerie Murciano on the way because they have the best Kosher baguettes in the city of love and light.

All of this is a big step up from my time as a storeman packer at Mercedes Benz spare parts in Sydney’s Alexandria. In those days I would be sent out to the local cake shop for a dozen buttered finger buns, always managing to eat at least two before I got back to the warehouse. I also got sent to the hardware store for the long weight, the hard punch and a can of elbow grease. No, nothing’s changed.


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