WOULD you prefer to park your car for a week at Sydney or Melbourne airport, or a brand new Mercedes CLA 45 AMG, the world’s fastest four-cylinder sedan, with 265kW, lots of AMG boy/girl racer signs and HSV GTS acceleration?
When you turn up at the airport to leave your car for a week, Virgin, Qantas and the airport owners reach into your pocket and extract $476, more than you’ll pay a week to own a CLA AMG. You can probably squeeze into an M3 and scare the hell out of the rellies at Xmas for close to the same money.
Of course there’s lots of better stuff you can buy for $476 than a bit of cement at Tulla or Mascot. How about a few laps around Bathurst in a V8 with Fabian Coulthard, John Bowe or Russell Ingall or all three. Less than $300 gets you breakfast, a meet and greet with one of the lads, a photo, cap and a blast around the mountain. Organisers, V8Race (v8race.com), will ensure your breakfast comes up well before The Dipper.
Or for $129 the solution to one of the first world’s most pressing problems. You know when you are coming back to your car after a day at the beach. Your feet are blistered from walking on the sand and tar. The nippers are screaming for ice creams and the matches are so wet you can’t light your first ciggy for four hours. Then you open the door to the car and out pumps enough hot air to roast a reindeer. You fervently pray you didn’t leave the dog or one of the in-laws in there.
What’s worse is all that hot air contains a “unique cocktail of hundreds of toxic chemicals that off-gas in small, confined spaces”. Jeff Gearhart, research director at the Ecology Center says there are more than 275 different chemicals in car interiors.
“Some chemicals of concern include bromine from brominated flame retardants which are added to plastics to make them less flammable, chlorine used for polyvinyl chloride used for plastics and windshields, lead, and heavy metals. Exposure to brominated flame retardants and PVCs has been tied to thyroid problems, learning and memory impairment, decreased fertility, and behavioural changes, decreased fertility and liver, testes, thyroid, ovaries, kidneys and blood problems.”
Well Kevin Sun (no, I didn’t make this bit up) sells a solar powered ventilator that vents out hot air in cars so you won’t be poisoned or have crook testes. (kulcar.com.au).
Click here to read more: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/executive-living/motoring/mercedes-a-better-way-to-spend-your-airport-carparking-bucks/story-fngmee2f-1227154059241
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